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Date 2012-10-06 | Views  1,266 | Books

Date 2012-10-06 | Views  1,652 | Books

Date 2012-10-06 | Views  1,344 | Books

Date 2012-10-05 | Views  1,476 | Books

Date 2012-10-05 | Views  1,316 | Books

Date 2012-10-05 | Views  1,420 | Books

Date 2012-10-05 | Views  1,340 | Books

Date 2012-10-05 | Views  1,169 | Books

Date 2012-10-05 | Views  1,279 | Books

Date 2012-10-03 | Views  7,646 | Books

Triple Tranny Temptation by Blake Worthington
Date 2012-10-03 | Views  7647

In â€"Triple Tranny Temptation,” she-male erotica writer, Blake Worthington, presents three shorts stories about sexy, voluptuous women with â€"a little something extra” to please their man.

Stories Include:
â€"Wet Noodle” – A chance encounter with a sexy, passable she-male leaves a Las Vegas convention attendee completely wet in more ways than one!

â€"Room Service”- A traveling businessman is immediately taken by the cute Latina working the front desk of his budget hotel, but heâ€,s taken aback in surprise when he finds out just how far sheâ€,ll go to demonstrate excellent customer service.

â€"T-Gal Gear”- A dominating she-male top gives it rough and hard to the men who have secret needs and beg for satisfaction that only a take charge t-gal can give!
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